Pranarôm Bio Essential Oil Labrador-Tea (Ledum groenlandicum) 5 ml chemotyped (HECT) is botanically certified, is 100% natural non-denatured by synthetic components, by oils or by mineral essences, 100% pure because uncut with other essential oils and 100% total, unbleached, non peroxidized, not deterpenated and not corrected.
The Labrador-Tea essential oil is well-known for its multiple properties:
- stimulating digestive, carminative, stomachic,
- hepatocytes detoxing and regenerating,
- anti-inflammatory, analgesic,
- antispasmodic,
- antiallergic,
- antidepressant.
The Labrador-Tea essential oil is well-known for its multiple properties:
- stimulating digestive, carminative, stomachic,
- hepatocytes detoxing and regenerating,
- anti-inflammatory, analgesic,
- antispasmodic,
- antiallergic,
- antidepressant.